This book is designed as a Quick Checklist for e-learning. It contains many practical items that you can use as review criteria to check if e-learning modules, courses and programs provide the level of services that learners (or consumers) should expect. Items in the checklist encompass critical dimensions of e-learning environment, including; pedagogical, technological, interface design, evaluation, management, resource support, ethical, and institutional. These items are presented as quick checklist questions that you can ask yourself when planning, designing, evaluating and implementing e-learning.
Who can use this Checklist?Home of e-learning, elearning, blended learning, m-learning, mlearning, web-based instruction, online, online learning, online education, mobile learning, web-based training, training, learning, distance education, instructional technology, educational technology, multimedia, k-12, k12, corporate training, advanced distributed learning, distributed learning, open learning, interactive distance learning, web course authoring tool, learning objects, metadata, online book, adl, wbi, wbt, wbl, cai, cbt, WBI, WBT, WBL, CBT, IMI, CAI, CMI, ADL, lms, roi, etc.Instructors, Teachers and Trainers can use this quick checklist to check whether their online courses provide the kind of high-quality instruction and good support services that learners expect.
Instructors and Teacher s can use this quick checklist as textbook in their courses. As part of course assignments, faculty can assign students to review existing e-learning courses or programs using review criteria included in the checklist.
Students who are currently taking or interested in taking e-learning courses can use this quick checklist to check whether their e-learning courses/programs provide high-quality instruction with good support services. (This checklist is designed to help students understand how to be informed in e-learning.)
Instructional Designers, Performance Technologists, Distance Education Specialists, Corporate Education Specialists, E-Learning Specialists, Virtual Education Specialists, Virtual/Corporate University Designers, Multimedia Designers, Webmasters, Writers/Editors, Technical Support Staff and Consultants can use the checklist's review criteria during the planning, design, evaluation and implementation phases of e-learning.
School Administrators, Higher Education Administrators, Training Managers, Human Resources Managers, E-Learning Project Managers, Educational Technology Coordinators, Virtual and Corporate University Administrators can use this quick checklist to develop strategic plans for e-learning initiatives.
Providers of e-learning (schools, colleges, universities, training and other institutions) can use this quick checklist to understand the level of services that learners (or consumers) expect in e-learning.
Accrediting Agencies can use this quick checklist to review whether e-learning providers provide high-quality instruction and good support services that learners must have.
Department of Education and Ministry of Education Staff can use this quick checklist to develop criteria for new grant initiatives for e-learning related projects.
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Recommended Books SiteHome of e-learning, elearning, blended learning, m-learning, mlearning, web-based instruction, online, online learning, online education, mobile learning, web-based training, training, learning, distance education, instructional technology, educational technology, multimedia, k-12, k12, corporate training, advanced distributed learning, distributed learning, open learning, interactive distance learning, web course authoring tool, learning objects, metadata, online book, adl, wbi, wbt, wbl, cai, cbt, WBI, WBT, WBL, CBT, IMI, CAI, CMI, ADL, lms, roi, etc.